Supernatural Fanon Wiki
This article, Amara (Td5), is the sole property of Twilight Despair 5 and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable.

"You underestimate me, now that I have been restored not even my brother and his Archangels can win this time. This time I am the one with the plan. Creation will be mine, the Light will be consumed. Consume...Consume...Consume... I will consume everything."
— Amara declaring her intentions




Before anything ever was, there was only the infinite and formless Empty, before time became linear the first and one of the two greatest concepts formed out of the Empty.

This new entity took on an appearance similar to the Empty, The Darkness, formed from all the negative power of the Empty and possessing half its strength. The Darkness ruled everything that was before Creation. Then her brother God came into being. They then became the pillars of reality, requiring both to exist, or all of reality would be erased and the empty would once again compromise all of reality.

Power and Abilities[]



Nigh-Omnipotence: Amara as the first entity to come out of the Void is a beyond cosmic powerful force. Credited as all the negative power of the Void. However like God even her power has limits, in terms of strength not in amount as she like God never run out of power like most supernatural beings. On Earth her power was so great that at her fully restored state, she was stated to be able to destroy the planet with a thought.
